Top Ten Tuesday 13

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish . This week's theme: Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In Even if I'm out of the age range that makes people eligible for being unwound, it's so freaky that a country would agree to have their "trouble children" broken down and distribute their organs. Most people in this world are fused to objects, buildings, or other people after a nuclear bomb went off. The rest are perfectly healthy, but live in a super-controlled dome. Neither scenario sounds very appealing. I think it's safe to say I don't want to be anywhere near the Forest of Hands and Teeth - goodbye Zombies! If I lived in this world, odds are I'd die a brutal death. I'd prefer to stick around for a little longer, thank you very much. There is some pretty freaky stuff going on in this book that involves tapeworms, conspiracies, and people dying. No spoilers from me, but I really hope I'm ...